10 Reasons to Visit Bali for a Retreat 

Awaken all of your senses

Throughout your journey in Bali, it’s easy to connect to your surroundings and therefore tap into all of your senses. There is a lot of beauty everywhere, such as the sea, the lush trees, jungles, and the inviting colours. 

It’s almost like the colours of the surroundings mirror your chakras in a way. From the colours of the sky to the colour of the waters, your sight, smell, hearing, feeling and taste all get activated in a deeper way. And of course, your intuition also gets an upgrade. 


The energy in Bali is strong

If you ask anyone who has been to Bali, they will tell you that there is something special in the Balinese air. It’s like an energy that pulls you in and gives you a much-needed hug. Being a spiritual centre and a place where bliss, healing and gratitude are all in focus, it’s no wonder that it affects the atmosphere.

Maybe it’s the spiritual way of life or the fact that the people living here bless and give thanks to everything. 

Or perhaps it’s the holy waters and the spiritual energy present. The energy is, without a doubt, felt in everything and everyone. This is the place where you get to feel a lot, especially if you bring awareness into it.


It’s a purifying centre of the Earth

Just as we people, the Earth has energy centres, and there are places in the world where the energies are stronger. As humans, we have 7 main chakras that dominate, but there are other energy centres in our body that we hold as well. The same is true for the Earth.

There are 7 places in the world that have the highest points of energy and 8 with less intensity, but they still remain strong energy centres.

One of these centres is the country of Bali which is considered to be a place where the Earth’s energy gets purified. Since a retreat is usually about cleansing, rejuvenation, and transformation, doing so in a space where Mother Nature helps out is a unique experience.


You get to reconnect to your true self

As you embrace the energies in Bali, it also pushes you to reconnect to your true self. The Kundalini energy in Bali helps you elevate and see the truth about yourself and life. Awakening the Kundalini energy is a powerful process and can help you see what’s been hidden from your consciousness for a long time. It has the power to take you to foreign places within yourself and explore higher realms of energy.

A retreat in Bali is, therefore, the perfect place to get you started on the journey of your awakening. Some people who come to Bali are ready for a deeper spiritual practice, while others simply want to dip their toes in the awakened waters. Nevertheless, wherever you are in your life on your growth and healing journey, reconnecting with your true self is always a good thing.


The kindness and warmth of the Balinese people is unique

When going on a retreat, you are looking for a way to feel better. Being held in kindness and warmth is like a blanket that is wrapped around you when you are cold. The Balinese people are known for their loving ways which is another reason why a retreat in Bali, or a trip here in general, is one of a kind.

From the healer to the massage therapist and people on the streets, you are instantly met with kindness and a genuine welcome. People can truly lift your spirit, and the Balinese people are exceptionally good at doing that. Being in a friendly environment helps you on your journey of happiness and does wonder for your healing.


Joy and peace is a way of life here

When you go on a retreat, it’s either because you need a break or you want to heal in some way. Whether it’s about your health, your emotions, your relationships, your spirit, or your mind, you are probably looking for more joy and peace. Both of these are important to your wellbeing, and sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the negative side of life.

Because Bali offers so much opportunity for happiness and tranquillity, it’s easier to get into the right state.

From the friendly people to the stunning nature, fun activities and profound healing treatments, a world of joy welcome you here. If you have been missing feeling happy and playful, to have a sense of peace within, Bali’s way of life can help you invite that back into your life again.


Bali holds ancient wisdom and healing treasures

Probably the most special thing about Bali is the wisdom that the country and its people hold. Ancient wisdom is still very much present and teaches a more peaceful and patient way of life which is what draws many people here. Rituals, prayers, meditation and a unique way of healing are a part of the foundation of Bali’s way of life. Healers and priests are deeply connected with spirit and nature and bring this connection to the healing of others.

Healing in Bali is often more than just releasing wounds and karma of this lifetime, it also dives into ancestral healing. When we are born, we carry wounds, emotions and karma from our ancestors and we have the potential to heal those. With a gentle approach, you are guided to release many of the negative things stored inside of you.

A retreat in Bali is therefore also an opportunity to get rid of negative patterns and even begin breaking generational cycles.


The nature everywhere enhances your wellbeing

Science keeps bringing us evidence that nature has a positive effect on our health. In nature, you get to quiet your mind, calm your nervous system down and rise into deeper awareness. The sea, the trees and the sun all have an effect on us, whether it’s something we are aware of or not.

If you pay close attention, however, you’ll notice how different you feel after bathing in the sea or by walking in the forest.

Nature has a calming effect on the mind and can therefore also help with anxiety and mental distress. In Bali, nature is everywhere. You simply see and feel the power of it no matter where in Bali you are.


Bali brings couples, families and friends together

Bali brings couples, families and friends together - The Place Retreats

To keep relationships alive, there are certain things that we have to do. Except for communication, authenticity, and various forms of intimacy (depending on the relationship), sharing experiences have a positive effect. In fact, when you do activities with your loved ones, you bond and release positive hormones that bring you closer together.

Bali has so much to offer which makes it a perfect place to experience life together. You get to create intimate moments in healing sessions, awaken excitement with fun activities or can simply be present with each other.


A retreat in Bali is a journey of discovery

A retreat in Bali is a journey of discovery - The Place Retreats

In the end, Bali is a place where you go on a journey of discovery. The discovery of self, the discovery of a different world and even the discovery of your loved ones. Although people can tell you about what it’s like to experience Bali, no journey is the same.

You never know what you will find in the hands of Bali’s beautiful and loving energy. And that’s what’s so exciting about it. Going on a retreat to Bali is so much more than relaxation – it’s the next chapter of your life that lets you be yourself and step into a better version of who you are.

Reach out to us here at The Place Retreats and speak to one of our professionals. We’re all about making this a great year for you and helping you along your journey.

Jean-Claude Chalmet

A well-respected psychotherapist, author and speaker who has contributed significantly to the world of wellness, mindfulness and mental health.

His personal contributions along with his work as the founder of The Place Retreats, a holistic wellness center located in Bali, Indonesia, have transformed the lives of hundreds of humans from around the globe.

JC has authored several books, and is a regular contributor to The London Times, where he writes about mental health and wellness. His work has been featured in a variety of media outlets, including The Huffington Post, The Independent, and The Telegraph.


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